- Photojournalism - Explain what it is
Henri Cartier Bresson -
- Why is he famous?
- Why is his work significant in Photojournalism?
- Find and upload to your blog some work of theirs
- What Camera/Technique did he use

Photojournalism is a form of journalism that is done by collecting, editing, and presenting news material for publication that creates images in order to tell a news story.
Henri Cartier-Bresson was A pioneer in photojournalism, Cartier-Bresson wandered around the world with his camera, becoming totally immersed in his current environment.
A decisive moment is unexpectedly capturing an image at the right time and place, Henri Cartier Bresson used this technique and the camera he used was the Leica, Intended as a compact camera for landscape photography, particularly during mountain trips, the Leica was the first practical 35 mm camera that used standard cinema 35 mm film. The most crucial feature about the Leica camera is that the view finder is on the side allowing the photographer to see what is going on with their other eye, this would make it easier for the photographer to quickly capture a unexpected moment as it happens.