Thursday, 19 December 2013

photoshop lesson 3

Blur and Sharpen Tools

The Blur tool is used to blur an image and can be used to add depth of field to an image by blurring the foreground and the parts of the image in the distance.
The Sharpen tool is used to sharpen an image or part of an image and make it stand out making it the focus point.

These images are showing the effect of these tools to add DOF to them.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

phototshop lesson 2

Using the spot healing tool and the patch tool

Spot Healing Brush Tool (J)
Healing Brush Tool (J hold down left mouse button)
Patch Tool (J hold down left mouse button)

the spot healing tool allows you to remove minor spots off an image such as the birds in the image below.



the patch tool allows you to take a small part of an image and then find a similar part to replace it, the image below shows a brick wall with all the holes covered up by using the patch tool.
